Preparing for Hydroseed
We are frequently asked, "How should I prepare my yard for Hydroseed?" That is a great question, which will be answered, but first, let us clearly state that there are several ways to prepare your soil. Green Gro does not require a specific process to prepare your yard; however, the results of the Hydroseed largely reflect how well you prepare your soil. The better you prepare, the better results you will receive. Allow us to recommend a few steps that will lead to ideal planting conditions.
Richard Jenson at 4 Weeks
Richard Jenson at 11 - 12 Weeks
The Basics:
Accomplish your desired grade or level.
Get all the weeds out.
Remove rocks (anything bigger than the size of an egg).
Have as much loose soil on the surface as possible (at least 2-3 inches).
The Steps (In Order):
Kill all weeds using Round-up. (We spray Round-up @ 2-4 cents per sq. ft. depending on size.)
Get your desired grade in. (This usually requires tractor work.)
Some people till the weeds without killing them first allowing the roots to stay in tact and come back much quicker than if they were sprayed. Roundup takes 7-15 days to kill weeds, depending on weather.
After the weeds are dead, till the yard to loosen the soil. Lose soil is the key to having deep roots quickly, which leads to rapid growth. BE CAREFUL! Sometimes tilling in rocky soil will bring many rocks to the surface, which creates a lot of work.
In some cases the best and easiest solution is to bring in some good top soil to cover your rocky soil.) Instead of tilling, some people use harrows, or drag a pallet or chain link behind a four wheeler. These are good options, but in most cases these options will only loosen the soil 1-2 deep, whereas tilling can loosen the soil 3-7 inches deep. Some contractors have tillers or roto-darians on their tractors that will till your soil if you want to save your back. We can refer them to you.
Last, you will need to do some finish grading with a rake, especially next to areas that the tiller could not get close enough to.
Make sure your sprinklers are working correctly before we arrive. Good top soil will produce a great lawn, and will save money in fertilizers, watering, and other services in the long run. Be thrifty, but don’t cut corners or skip important steps.